How do I know which honey is for me?
The website is very self-explanatory and from reading the origins and uses described below each honey, You should be able to resonate with ones that your body could use. Many honeys target specific imbalances within the body and its major functions.
How many honeys can I use at one time?
The body desires balance. Taking more than a couple of honeys on any given day can add to confusion the body. Many people buy a few honeys and try a couple different of them each week. The general maintenance remedies, Allergy, Immunity, and say Mind or Seeing, all can be taken regularly to aid in the constant impact from environmental influences. Other honeys that will target specific unbalances in the body, many times only need short concentrated periods that you would need them.
How much of each honey and when?
Each jar will have a label with a recommended dose on the back. All ranging from an 1/8 of a teaspoon up to 1/2 of a teaspoon, mostly just once a day. Be sure to stir the honey top to bottom each and every use before taking some. We recommend using thin wooden sticks like you might use for shish kabob on the grill. Put the desired amount on your tongue, by itself, and let it dissolve. Our Tum Tum honey is the only one recommended to add little bit of a water chase, as it will help promote the honey further into the digestive region. Most are best taken late morning between breakfast and lunch. Spacing any other honey you want to take that day.
Are the honeys only to be dissolved in your mouth?
Allergy honey is the only honey that be can also be used topically. It is used in ancient tradition for insect stings and bites. Put a drop of the allergy honey on the injury site, have a bandaid covering it for 2 days, and the bite or sting should be completely neutralized.
What makes them healing honeys?
The ancients believed that any one isolated herb was mostly incomplete in being a remedy. The pure honey is a base that has 1-5 different herbs added in a directional and complete compound. With the raw honey coming directly from our hives, it preserves many ancient healing properties as its platform. When it is combined with a complete herb formula, it helps carry the remedy directly to that part of the body it is compounded form. The honey in addition to its own healing properties, aids the body in helping it better digest the herbs as they help predigest the compound, and entice better absorption, making it more readily available and accepted by the body. Our herbs, ,if not grow on our organic farm, come from only the highest quality raw organic sources not readily available in today’s chemical induced world. The combination of these honey and herb remedies are created in ancient tradition in their growing, harvesting, and remedy production. All helping to create a healing remedy.